Albrecht Dürer, The Martyrdom of Ten Thousand, c. 1496

Artist: Albrecht Dürer (1471 - 1528)
Title:The Martyrdom of Ten Thousand, c. 1496
Reference:B. 117; K 98; M. 218; Str. 35
Image Size:15 3/8 in x 11 3/8 in (39.1 cm x 28.9 cm)
Sheet Size:15 3/4 in x 11 9/16 in (40 cm x 29.4 cm)
Framed Size:approx. 29 3/4 in x 25 1/4 in (75.6 cm x 64.1 cm)
Edition:A Meder (g) of (g) impression.
Signature:This work is monogrammed ‘AD’ in the lower center of the image.
Condition:This work is in good condition.
ID #w-5123
$15,000 $7,000

Historical Description

Depicting a scene of violence and anguish, Albrecht Dürer The Martyrdom of Ten Thousand, c. 1496 tears at our heartstrings. The biblical significance of this image is as follows:

The emperors Adrian and Anoninus marched at the head of a large army to suppress the revolt of the Gadarenes and the people of the Euphrates region. Finding too strong an opponent, all fled except nine thousand soldiers. After these had been converted to Christ by the voice of an angel they turned upon the enemy and completely routed them. They were then brought to the top of Mount Ararat and instructed in the faith. When the emperors heard of the victory they sent for the converts to join in sacrifices of thanksgiving to the gods. They refused, and the emperors applied to five tributary kings for aid against the rebels. The kings responded to the call, bringing an immense army. The Christians were asked to deny their faith, and, on refusal, were stoned. But the stones rebounded against the assailants, and at this miracle a thousand soldiers joined the confessors. Hereupon the emperors ordered all to be crucified (Robert Appleton, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IX).

Created in c. 1496, this work is monogrammed ‘AD’ in the lower center of the image. This work is a Meder (g) of (g) impression.

Catalogue Raisonné & COA:
Albrecht Dürer The Martyrdom of Ten Thousand, c. 1496 is fully documented and referenced in the below catalogue raisonnés and texts (copies will be enclosed as added documentation with the invoice accompanying the final sale of the work):

  1. Bartsch. (1981). The Illustrated Bartsch Vol. 10. Edited by Walter L. Strauss. Abaris Books: New York. Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonnè no. 117.
  2. Kurth, W. Dr. (1946). The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer. Listed as catalogue raisonné no. 98.
  3. Meder, J. (1932). Dürer-Katalog. Listed as catalogue raisonné no. 218
  4. Pawlak, M. Albrecht Dürer: 1471 bis 1528, Das gesamte Graphische Werk, Druckgraphik, Band II. Listed and illustrated as plate no. 1688.
  5. Scheller, R. W. and Boon, K. G. (1971). The Graphic Art of Albrecht Dürer, Hans Dürer and the Dürer School. Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no. 174.
  6. Schoch, R. (2002). Albrecht Dürer: Das druckgraphische Werk, Band II Holzschnitte und Holzschnittfolgen. Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no. 104.
  7. Strauss, W. L. (1980). Albrecht Dürer, Woodcuts and Wood Blocks. Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no. 35.
  8. A Certificate of Authenticity will accompany this work.

About the Framing:
Albrecht Dürer The Martyrdom of Ten Thousand, c. 1496 is framed to museum-grade, conservation standards, presented in a complementary moulding and finished with linen-wrapped mats and optical grade Plexiglas.